Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The start to a new me

Hi my name is Antoinette Pakele. I am 46 years old and am on my journey to a healthier me.

I have never blogged in my life so this is all new to me. But I wanted to start a journal that I could look back on through this journey I am about to take and I thought this would be the best way.

First off I am the mother of 3 adult children now. My son is 25 and I have 2 daughters ages 23 and 21. I have a 2 year old grandson which I adore. I am a full time stay at home grandma which I feel very lucky to be able to do that thanks to my very loving husband who has allowed my the privilege.

I have been struggling with my weight since I had my son way back in 1992. I decided to have the birth control Norplant birth control immediately after having my son. I packed on a whopping 75 lbs. it didn't matter what I did or ate the pounds just kept coming. I took it out after a year and then had my second child and then a third. In 1996 I weighed in at 186 lbs. went back to work, became a member of weight watchers, started going to the gym and also was prescribed phenphen for weight loss from my PCP. It all worked and I lost a total of 50 lbs. But again the pound started to creep back on.

I changed jobs in 2006 and this time tried every diet you can think of. 30 lbs off and 40 lbs on. I finally just gave up thinking that I would just be this size forever.

Being in denial and thinking that I weighed less then I really did I made an appointment to see my doctor. I thought I weighed 186 lbs. no it was more like 236 lbs. the heaviest I had ever been. It is now 2012 and I am now diagnosed with high cholesterol.

I got a gym buddy and off to the Y we went. I stared their 12 week weight loss program and in 12 weeks lost 30 lbs. I was loving it. But and this is just an excuse I know my gym buddy quit going to the Y and I just lost motivation.

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